12 Apr 2013

...Lemon Juice

            Just the thought is revolting. I can smell the intense citrus from across the room. The toxic liquid is slowly exposed into my tiny, innocent, Dixie Cup. My body trembles and taste buds shriek, little do they know what horrid fluid was about to wash away every bit of sweetness they've ever tasted. I almost feel happy and excited, but I know that no matter what, this is not going to be an enjoyable experience. Why would I put my body through such torture? With my eyes closed tight, as though something terrible is going to jump out and scare me, I take my first whiff of the venomous substance. My nostrils quiver as the powerful aroma enters the cavity like ocean waves crashing against a rocky cliff. I can already taste the bitter lemons perspiring through my throat. I gulp for fresh air. Anything to extinguish that sour smell. Anything to rid my nose of this torment. I hold my breath. Somehow, I convince myself to drink it. I slowly pick up the tiny cup, without thinking, I gulp it down. To my surprise, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. It was worse! My tongue tingled like it had just stuck it in a light socket and been shocked with 200 volts of electricity. Every part of my body regretted the choice I had just made. I mind exits that of consciousness and enters that of space. I spin in circles around stars and planets. My body is floating through the clustered universe. Still I am incapable of in taking any air into my lungs. Slowly suffocating, I come back to consciousness. I can breath again, but my esophagus swells and cries in agony. What was I thinking?!                   

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