14 Mar 2013

College Aplication

            Who am I? You may ask…What makes me different from everyone else? You will be intrigued to find that I am an unusual, well rounded being whose mind and feet venture far from within our typical universe.
            Since I was just an infant; I’ve always been on the move. I can speak fluently in English, Spanish, French, and Dutch. When I wear glasses, I have perfect vision. Unlike others, I’ve traveled to eight different countries. Unlike others, I swim professionally in the Olympics. Unlike others, my skin is soft and beautiful just like Edward Cullen’s. Through my many adventurous years, I have sailed in rough waters and stormy skies through the great Vancouver Broken Islands. My parents love me.
            Many people often mistake me for Selena Gomez. Even president Obama himself referred to me as “a true role model for all of mankind.” When I grow up, I will have solved world hunger. When I grow up, this world will be a better place because of me. There is a country in Asia named after me. I have more followers on Twitter than Justin Bieber. I eat all my vegetables that are put on my plate. I wrote the Bible.
            I can stroke the keys of a piano as if Mozart himself were playing. When I’m bored, I usually just relax and sit down with one many novels I’ve written. My body produces energy through photosynthesis. I don’t have fear, I don’t lie, I don’t swear, I don’t cry. Even if I die, I won’t grow old and rot. I make minimum wage.         
            I cant tell you what my current job is, but lets just say as of right now, I’m scuba diving with giant squid in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, while at the same time, I’m Mummy hunting in the deep caverns of Egypt’s pyramids. On my spare time you can find me helping extinguish horrid fires, helping save children from collapsing buildings, helping stranded citizens in major floods, and helping seniors while crossing a busy street.
           I am a girl.
           I just want to go to college.

1 Mar 2013

Of Mice Of Men Chapter 7

            Slim and George sat down at the bar. Slim put a hand on George's shoulder and stated, "Like I said, George, sometimes a guy's gotta."
            George starred into the distance, “When push comes to shove, I tell ya’ that sure aint’ easy.”
            Tomorrow is another day, trust me on this, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.” Slim said sympathetically.
            George’s shoulders drooped with disappointment. “Whatta’ I do now Slim? I aint got nobody.” He looked up with eager eyes, “Lennie was my damn friend! He never did nothin’ wrong. He was just as dumb as a doorknob, that’s all.”            
            “You did the right thing back there. It prevented something worse happening. You wasn’t going to let no man like Curley shoot your best friend.”