10 Apr 2012

Original Poem

Only a Dream

On cool afternoons you hold my hand
Nimble fingers carefully brush back my brown locks
Your eyes look down onto me
Pulled in close, your breath hot against my neck like a flame
The pounding of your heart matches mine
Skin like silk gently strokes my cheek   

            Trapped in a perfect world
            No rules, no lies, no crime
            Only smiles that curled
            Able to live life to its prime

Until, I am taken from this land
Only to be awaken to unfamiliar clocks
Told to open my eyes but still unable to see
Life forces its blueprints into my brain
Try to go back, seek the world I lost in time
            I am too weak.

Voices scream commands
Dreams are crushed
Reality tastes bland
            I am awake

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