10 Apr 2012

Original Poem

Only a Dream

On cool afternoons you hold my hand
Nimble fingers carefully brush back my brown locks
Your eyes look down onto me
Pulled in close, your breath hot against my neck like a flame
The pounding of your heart matches mine
Skin like silk gently strokes my cheek   

            Trapped in a perfect world
            No rules, no lies, no crime
            Only smiles that curled
            Able to live life to its prime

Until, I am taken from this land
Only to be awaken to unfamiliar clocks
Told to open my eyes but still unable to see
Life forces its blueprints into my brain
Try to go back, seek the world I lost in time
            I am too weak.

Voices scream commands
Dreams are crushed
Reality tastes bland
            I am awake

6 Feb 2012

Write for Your Life

Carley Selles
2462 Westwood Dr.
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 8Y8

February 6, 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

      With me by your side, you will never regret your decision. I should be your first choice because I am overflowing with real life experience, from sailing the Pacific Ocean, to spelunking many dark, cold caves. I have spent my whole life trying to get as much adventure and knowledge as possible and I would hate to stop now. I have kayaked the Vancouver Islands through stormy waves, tented out in the mountains in ten feet of snow, and rock climbed up a large mountain in the Kootenays in the scorching heat.
     When I was younger, my little sister got cancer. This was an enormous setback for my family and me. Even though I was just a sibling, I also felt like I was going through so much emotional pain too. I couldn’t imagine how miserable it would make me feel to see my best friend go. Having to look death straight in the eye like she did is something I never want to even think of after seeing all that she went through. Fortunately, she pulled through and is healthier than ever. I know my sister cares for me very much as well and would miss me terribly. Because of this, I have met and befriended hundreds of cancer fighters, some going through much worse things than my sister did. I was able to be very supportive and caring towards children with cancer. I would like to continue to help cancer patients get well. This support is exceptionally valuable in the recovery of cancer patients. This wealth of experience has made me stronger and a more valuable asset to society.
     In other words ----the world would be a much, much worse place without me. Millions would morn my death. A world wide holiday would have to be established. Probably around Christmas, or maybe in place of Christmas. Think of the effect on the world economy for instance. Nobody would be able to get any work done. This could be catastrophic. Mass suicides would undoubtedly follow. Superman would be forced to get involved. He would of course have to fly in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation, very, very fast causing enough friction to cause the earth to spin backwards and inevitably reverse time. This would enable superman to save me and probably save the world as we know it. THAT SHOULD BE REASON ENOUGH TO SAVE ME, I WOULD THINK!!!!!!


Carley Selles

31 Jan 2012

My World

She waits in the lounge, her body sinks into the sofa and she lets her mind drift from reality. A calmness comes over her. Echoes of music surround her, a familiar sound each week. The steady beat of drums and a soft melody of a guitar as if trying to put a ferocious creature to sleep. The melody puts hers into a trance and she feels like a hang glider suspended over the earth. As a door opens, a cool breeze settles over the room like a blanket of fog after a fresh rain.  A friendly silhouette beckons her in. She eagerly accepts the invitation and proceeds to play. She closes her eyes but she still sees the notes dancing on the walls. The music takes her away.